
Albert Hadjiganev - Words from art critics

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Words from Art Crtics


...Each painting by Hadjiganev teaches to see, listen and keep silent to let the emotion of an instant progress, get caught, transcribed, offered to other memories. Fugitive impressions, reminiscences… The eyes get lost in the canvas, splashed with lights, stand out, return, capture the inexpressible and the emotion settles. For long,

Christine Fauvet Mycia, Le Figaro  

...Hadjiganev's canvases are kneaded with light, an exuding light that comes from inside the represented subject. And yet, the artist never chooses a spectacular theme: here an apple, there a glass, there a plain bathed in very bright gray light, there again a flower or the space glimpsed in a row of offset doors. These works which freely transfigure reality have a haughty grace, even nobility. Simple in their composition and yet architectural, they vibrate under the layers superimposed in transparency ... Pure painting.

Marc Herissé, The Gazette of the Hôtel Drouot

Albert Hadjiganev paints with intensity and measured audacity the interiors in rather dark colors almost whispered. Intimate images where the artist slowly adventures into the surprising margins of beauty.

Jean Marie Tasset, Le Figaro  

...It will be understood that Albert Hadjiganev's ambition is not temporal but spiritual and that the asceticism of the painting poses as a prerequisite, that of personal life.

That is why he works alone, apart, far away, poor, dumb, rather than among, in the middle, surrounded, adulated, transvestite ...

Max Fullenbaum, Arts News Magazine

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